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 Pompeii - the old city

Pompeii, in the 1st century AD C. was living in a prosperous era. Pompeii was a rich city based on trade. Suddenly, in 62 AD, an earthquake almost destroyed the city. The Pompeians did not know that this was a warning of the volcano, which would have exploded 17 years later, burying their land under about 7 meters of lapilli and ash. It will be rediscovered in the eighteenth century, when, with Charles of Bourbon, systematic excavations will begin. Currently about 2/3 of the total 66 hectares of the ancient city can be visited. Pre-established route or on request.

Herculaneum - the old city

Like Pompeii, Herculaneum too was destroyed by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD, but, unlike the first, it was buried by mud and pyroclastic material. Here the extent of the excavations is very limited (only 4 hectares), but the pyroclastic material has allowed a better conservation of the frescoes. In Herculaneum it is also possible to see the skeletons of the inhabitants who, at the time of the eruption, tried to take shelter under the arches.

 Oplontis - Poppea's house

The excavations of Oplonti include a single villa, Poppea's Villa, which probably belonged to Nero's wife, at first. The villa can be visited entirely, you can recognize the atrium rooms, the kitchen, the dining room, the spa and the garden, as well as the swimming pool, which was being restored at the time of the eruption. 

 Stabia - Villa Arianna, Villa San Marco and the Second Complex

In Stabia, the current Castellammare di Stabia, you can visit three of the six villas that stood on the Varano plateau in Roman times, and which were destroyed, such as those of Oplonti, Pompeii and Herculaneum, by the eruption of Vesuvius. Villa Arianna, the so-called Second Complex, and Villa San Marco. Come and discover the rich decorations of the villas, you will be astonished by their beauty.

Museo Archeologico Nazionale Di Napoli MANN

A guided tour to the discovery of the main treasures of the MANN - National Archaeological Museum of Naples. Farnese Collection, Mosaics, Salone della Meridiana and more. The building, and then a Palazzo of the University in Naples, becomes a museum with Ferdinand IV of Bourbon, who decides to collect there the Farnese collection, inherited from his father Carlo di Borbone, and the finds of Pompeii, Herculaneum, Stabia and Oplonti, the cities destroyed by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD

Tour Magna Grecia at the National Archaeological Museum of Naples

Appointment at the entrance of the Archaeological Museum, we discover, in the Magna Graecia section, the influences of Greek culture in the colonies of southern Italy, in pre-Roman times.
Do you know how red-figure vases were made? And those with black figures? Which are the most common depictions on the tombs of Magna Graecia? What kind of jewelry did they use?
We will discover the treasures of Ruvo, Metaponto, Paestum and many other Greek colonies.
The section includes 14 rooms with mosaic floors dating back to the Roman age.

Paestum - the Greek temples and the museum

The original name of Paestum is Poseidonia. Greeks, in fact, founded the city around 600 BC, and built the temples that we can see nowadays in the archaeological park. They were dedicated to the deities: probably the oldest temple to Hera, for a long time considered a Basilica, to Poseidon (or to Zeus?) the best preserved temple, to Athena the temple in the highest position. Only at the beginning of the twentieth century, however, thanks to an intuition of the archaeologist Spinazzola, they began to dig to find the rest of the city, with the forum, the amphitheater, the living area etc. Paestum preserves the footprints of the various populations who ruled it: the Greeks, the Lucanians and then the Romans. After visiting the archaeological area, we go to the museum, where the metopes of the temples, the votive statuettes and the grave goods found in the tombs of the entire Gaudo area are kept. Among all, the most famous is certainly the Tomb of the Diver, a Greek tomb that dates back to the beginning of the 5th century BC.

Thermal Baths of Baia

Nullus in orbe sinus Baiis praelucet amoenis (Horace). No bay in the world shines like the pleasant Baia. And it was true, for the ancient Romans, who built their villas in Baia, considered it at the time a place of temptation and perdition. The current Archaeological Park of Terme di Baia was also an imperial villa, and during the visit we will be able to observe the various historical layers. The view that can still be enjoyed from the park is something that takes your breath away. The ancient Roman baths consisted of environments such as the frigidarium (with cold water), the tepidarium (with water at about thirty degrees) and the calidarium (with water at sixty degrees). Inside the archaeological park it is possible to visit the thermal halls, formerly considered temples, such as the "temple of Mercury", the "temple of Venus" and the "temple of Diana".

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